Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 8/30/24

Year: 2024


Research Article

Case Report

Letter to the Editor

  • Acta Medica Alanya is an official scientific publication of the Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat Üniversity Medicine Faculty. Priority goal of the journal is to publish clinical and experimental research articles which are scientifically qualified and will provide a new contribution to the literature. Also improving the medical practice, making contributions to information sharing, ensuring continuity of education and research.

  • Scope of journal is scientific papers on all aspects of general medicine. Acta Medica Alanya journal is open access periodical and publishes in accordance with independent, unbiased, double blind peer review principles. Acta Medica Alanya accepts many types of manuscript. In addition to original articles also publishes short communications, review articles, case reports, letters to the editor, scientific letters, literature reviews and congress/meeting impressions.The Journal is published 3 times a year.

General explanations of the writing rules:

·      It has been published in Turkish and English for three years between 2017-2019. The journal will be published only in English as of 2020-1st issue.  Articles should include Turkish and English abstract. Turkish abstract should be based on Turkish Language Society’s Turkish Dictionary and Spelling Dictionary (http://tdk.org.tr). Latin versions of anatomical terms should be used. Terms which are commonly used in daily medical language should be written as pronounced according to Turkish spelling rules. Some details about the language of publication can be found in the section "Information for authors".

·       Papers written in English language are particularly supported and encouraged. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to seek the aid of a professional English language editorial service

·     A paper which has not previously been published or being considered for publication elsewhere are accepted for publication. Papers which were published elsewhere previously as an abstract form may be published.

·     Articles need to fully comply with the indicated spelling rules to be put in process instantly. Regarding articles which do not comply with the publication terms, the Editor and Advisory Board of the journal are authorized to return articles to authors for correction, edit, or reject articles.

·     No payment for copyright of the article will be done. Therefore the letter accompanying the manuscript should include a statement that copyright of the article is transferred to the Acta Medica Alanya. Also  the final manuscript should have been read and approved by the all authors.

·     Authors are responsible for the contents of the manuscript and accuracy of the references.  Authors should keep a copy of their manuscripts  

·       Withdrawal requests without a reasonable cause for papers approaching decision process are “rejected”.

·       Acta Medica Alanya do not charge any article submission or processing charges.

·       Opinions presented in published articles do not represent official endorsement of the Medicine Faculty of  Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat Üniversity

·     The published article becomes the property of the Journal. There is no obligation to partially or completely refund unacceptable manuscripts.

·       Free full-text articles in English are available at (https://dergipark.org.tr/medalanya).

Type of Mnauscript:

·      Acta Medica Alanya accepts many types of manuscript. In addition to original articles also publishes short communications, review articles, case reports, letters to the editor, scientific letters, literature reviews and congress/meeting impressions.

·    Research Articles: These are articles on original clinical (conducted with healthy subjects or patients) or experimental (human, animal or in-vitro trials) research performed in all fields.These articles can include randomized controlled trials, observational (cohort, case-control or cross-sectional) studies, destructive studies, diagnostic accuracy studies, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, nonrandomized behavioral and public health intervention trials, experimental animal trials, or any other clinical or experimental studies.

·       Case Reports: This section contains reports on interesting, instructive or rarely seen cases.

·     Review Articles: Acta Medica Alanya publishes clinical review articles related to the natural course of diseases, updated diagnostic and therapeutic approaches of concern to clinicians and specialists in basic sciences that encompass genetic, physiological, and pharmacological aspects of the underlying mechanisms of diseases, and reviews about technological advancements, and newly approved drugs.

·    Short communications should briefly include research data which may have significant contribution to the relevant area. Include Turkish and English titles, one paragraph of Turkish and English summaries, and keywords in Turkish and English. Short communications should include maximum two tables and one figure/graphic/picture. Structured summary is not required.

·      Letters to the Editor: These are comments, criticism and contributions in response to a paper published in the Acta Medica Alanya. The author(s) of a criticized article has the right to reply. The article that is the subject of the comments should be listed in the references section. Letters must be sent to the editor within 4 weeks following publication of the subject article in the Acta Medica Alanya.

·     Education paper: Scientific knowledge that has been proved with the results latest research, that set out in academic training, and that taken a place in clinical practice is presented in details.


Preparing Manuscript:

·       The manuscript should not exceed 5000 words in total. All pages of the manuscript should be numbered at the top right-hand corner, except for the title page. Papers should include the necessary number of tables and figures in order to provide better understanding. Manuscripts should not exceed three tables. The number of figures and pictures can be up to three.

·       General Format: All manuscripts should be typewritten on A4 white paper, and 2.5 cm-wide margins should be left on all sides. The references should be numbered consecutively in the order of their first mention in the text. All text material, including references, footnotes, and table and figure legends, should be typed using one and a half-spacing in an 11 point font with left alignment and without hyphenated line breaks. The fonts Arial should be used in the text, for symbols, and all other special characters. Please use the editing features of your word processing program to type bold or italic letters, mathematical symbols, Greek letters, subscript and superscript characters. Abbreviations and acronyms should be written in parentheses following the full name or an explanation of the usage should be provided just after the first appearance in the text. Please

·       Abbreviations used in the article should be accepted internationally, expanded at first mention, after which the abbreviation should be written in parenthesis. Then, the abbreviated version should be used throughout the entire text.

·     All pages of the manuscript should be consecutively numbered starting from the title page (page 1, title page; page 2, Turkish abstract; page 3, English abstract, etc.). Page numbers should be indicated on the upper right-hand corner of each page. Please review the final version of the manuscript very carefully, especially for formatting and editing errors.

·     Case reports should be presented following abstract section, under headings of introduction, case presentation, and discussion. In review articles, appropriate headings can be used in accordance with the development of the manuscript.


Manuscript Sections: All research articles must contain the following sections:

·     Cover Letter: On the cover letter; the author(s) should present the title, manuscript type and and whether the submitted work had previously been presented in a scientific meeting. The cover letter should contain a statement that the manuscript will not be published or evaluated for publication elsewhere while under consideration by Acta Medica Alanya. In addition, the full name of the corresponding author and his/her contact information including the address, phone number and e-mail address should be provided at the bottom of the cover letter. Authors should be specify two referees who do not work in the same institution and it is not name in manuscript.The cover letter should be signed by corresponding author, scanned and submitted in jpg or pdf format with other manuscript files.

·     Title Page: Please prepare your title page as a separate electronic file, including the following elements:Title of the manuscript. Author(s) list, please list their full names and up to 2 academic degrees per author. Affiliation(s) of each author, including department or division, institution, city, country.Corresponding author(s) full name, contact information including address, phone, and e-mail address. A maximum of three author names can be specified for case reports and reviews, and a maximum of six author names for research articles. For details on the number of authors, see "Information for authors".

·      Abstract: The abstract should be written on a separate page. It should contain at most 250 words, and be structured as follows: (1) Objective, (2) Methods, (3) Results, and (4) Conclusion. Under these headings, briefly describe the subject of the article, methods used for the study, basic findings, and author’s conclusion. No subtitles may be used in the abstract of a case report. A minimal number of abbreviations and/or acronyms should be used. Abstracts should not contain any references.

·      Key words: There should be at least three and at most seven keywords in accordance with  MedicalSubject Headings (MeSH).

·      Introduction: State the specific purpose and available data relevant to the study.

·     Methods: All methods used to select participants and conduct the study should be described in detail. Known methods should be cited. Novel or modified methods used should be described in detail. Doses, concentrations, routes, and duration of administration of drugs and chemical agents should be indicated.

·     Statistic: A concise report of all statistical methods used for summarizing available data and for testing the proposed hypothesis should be provided under a subtitle, including the p value criteria determined for statistically significant difference.Describe software used for analysis. For parametric tests represent continuous variables as Mean±Standard Deviation, while for nonparametric tests represent data as Median and range (Minimum- Maximum) or Median and interquartile range (25th and 75th percentiles).

·     Results: The study results should be presented in logical sequence and in detail. The findings should be supported by figures and tables. Information given in figures and tables should not be repeated in the text unless absolutely required.

·     Discussion: The main and secondary results of the study should briefly presented and compared with similar findings in the literature. Providing intensive background information should be avoided in this section. Consider only those published articles directly relevant to interpreting your results and placing them in context. Do not stress statistical significance over clinical importance. Avoid extrapolation to populations or conditions that you have not explicitly studied in your investigation. Avoid claims about cost or economic benefit unless a formal cost-effectiveness analysis was presented in the Methods and Results sections. Do not suggest “more research is needed” without stating what the specific next step is. Optionally, you may include a paragraph “In retrospect, . . .” to candidly discuss what you would do differently if given the opportunity to repeat the study, so others can learn from your experience.

·       Limitations: The limitations of the study should be mentioned in a separate paragraph subtitled as the “Limitations” in the end of the discussion. Explicitly discuss the limitations of your study, including threats to the internal and external validity of your results. 

·      Conclusion: A clear conclusion should be made in the light of the results of the study. The potential effects of the results of the study on the current clinical applications should be stated in a single sentence. Inferences that are not supported by the study results should be avoided.

·      Conflict of Interest: All potential conflicts of interest should be declared under this heading. All affiliations with pharmaceutical firms, biomedical device manufacturers, and other service or product procurers relevant to the subject matter of the study should be explicitly indicated. If no conflict of interest exists, this should be stated as “none declared.” Declarations related to conflicts of interest should be placed at the bottom of a separate page after the acknowledgements and before the references. A Conflict of Interest Form will be sent to the authors of accepted papers.

·      Funding sources: The full name of any sponsoring foundation or institution should be provided.

.     Acknowledgement: The names of individuals who contributed to the study but who fail to meet the criteria of authorship should be mentioned in this section. The written consent of all individuals mentioned should be obtained.


.      Number of references must be up to 25 in research articles and 10 in case reports.

       In case report-brief literature review and/or Case series (> 3 cases) up to 15 and in Review up to 50 cases.

        Total number references of non-PMID and / or DOI or book-book chapters or web-addressed should not exceed three (all) in whole.

·      References should be numbered as the sequence they appeared in the manuscript. Arabic numerals in brackets should be used starting from [1]. All sources the authors made direct use of should be included as references, excluding unpublished results and personal communications. During the preparation of the manuscript for publication, additional information regarding any unconfirmed references will be requested from the authors. References should also be submitted to online section references box (with the original sequence appeared in manuscript but this time without numbers). For abbreviation of journal names and citations http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html should be followed. For Turkish Scientific journals please visit http://www.atifdizini.com/journals/tr-index.html

·     Journal names must be abbreviated according to the list of Index Medicus/Medline/PubMed (the list of MEDLINE journals and their abbreviations published annually by NLM can be accessed at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lji.html). All author names are listed for articles having less than 6 authors. If the article contains 7 or more authors, names of the first 6 authors are written and followed by “et al.”. Names of the authors are followed by the title of the manuscript, year, volume and page numbers.

·    Published article: Aslan A, Kırdemır V, Kocak A, Atay T, Baydar ML, Özerdemoglu RA et al. Influence of 1800 MHz GSM-like Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure on Fracture Healing. Arch Med Res. 2014;45(2):125-31.

·    Articles in press: Hicyilmaz H, Vural H, Delibas N, Sutcu R, Gultekin F, Yilmaz N. The effects of walnut supplementation on hippocampal NMDA receptor subunits NR2A and NR2B of rats. Nutr Neurosci. 2014 Dec 18. [Epub ahead of print]  doi:10.1179/1476830514Y.0000000166

·    Web page: National and / or international institutional, well-known, scientific content websites can be cited by specifying the access date. Example;  World Health Organization. Available at: http://www.who.int/en/    Accessed March 26, 2016.

·    Chapter in book: Must be cited to the last edition of the main textbooks published by national and / or international well-known bookstores. Example; Herring JA. Developmental dysplasia of the hip. In: Herring JA, editor. Tachdjian’s Pediatric Orthopaedics. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier; 2014. p. 504-16.

·      Figures: Should not be included in the main text file and should be uploaded as separate files as with the properties describes above in required filetypes section. X-ray, CT, MR films and photographs of other diagnostic imaging and pathological samples may be saved as electronic file in JPEG or GIF format to create high resolution images ( least 300 DPI). Letters, numbers, and symbols on the pictures should be clear and equal in the entire article, and readable even when downsized for publication. Pictures should be comprehensible by themselves as far as possible. If patient’s photograph will be used, written consent should be obtained from the patient(s) or their legal guardians. The number of figures and pictures can be up to three.

·      Figure Legends: Figure legends should be included in the main text in a separate page and this page should be the at the end of the main text file.

·     Tables: At the end of the main text file as separate pages.Each table should be given a short title. Explanations should not be made in the title, but in the footnotes. All nonstandard abbreviations should be expanded in the footnotes. Authors should make sure that each table is cited in the text. If the table data or figures  is taken from another published source, the necessary permissions must be obtained.Manuscripts should not exceed three tables.


        Submission of Manuscript:

·    Online Submission of Manuscripts: All manuscripts should be submitted online via Tubitak- Dergipark Open Journal System. (https://dergipark.org.tr/medalanya). Submitted manuscript files (except title page) should be blind in order to ensure a double blind review process. Information that may indicate an individual or institution should be excluded from the manuscript files. Authors can forward their questions and requests about the article submission and evaluation process to actamedica@alanya.edu.tr

·      The study has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication in the Acta Medica Alanya is approved by all co-authors.

Evaluation process of manuscripts:

·    Submitted articles are first evaluated by the Advisory Board of the journal and Editor. At this stage, manuscripts not deemed suitable for publication in Acta Medica Alanya, including those not complying with the requirements or without adequate scientific content, will be returned to the authors or reject. Manuscripts found suitable for publication will be sent to reviewers for more detailed evaluation. Correction(s) may be requested from the Author(s) according to the results of reviewers reports and Editorial evaluation. Acceptability of manuscripts is dependent on originality, ethic, scientific content, and the subject of the study, in accordance with the publication protocol of the journal. All objections and requests should be communicated to the editors in a written format. If deemed necessary, the editorial publishing board has the right to make modifications to the text without altering the main concept of the manuscript. 

·   Acta Medica Alanya has adopted the double blind peer-review process for the articles. Articles which are considered appropriate by the editorial publishing Board  and Editor are delivered to  relevant reviewers whose names are kept anonymous. The editor is authorized to identify reviewers. Editor and the Publishing Board decides by considering the reviewers reports and mentioned many factors.

Accepted articles and Publishing process:

·      Publishing process starts for accepted articles. The proof of the manuscript is sent to the author in charge of the correspondence and it is requested to be checked back within three days and sent back. Accepted manuscripts are ordered to be published with the approval of the Editorial Board and published online as soon as possible. All rights of the published manuscripts belong to the journal.

Contact: actamedica@alanya.edu.tr       



· Acta Medica Alanya Journal promises to folow highest editorial and ethical standards defined by "World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) Board of Directors". Acta Medica Alanya follows the ethics flowcharts developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for dealing with cases of possible scientific misconduct and breach of publication ethics. www.publicationethics.org 

· The manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with ICMJE-Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (http://www.icmje.org/icmje-recommendations.pdf ). Authors are required to prepare manuscripts in accordance with CONSORT guidelines for randomized research studies, STROBE guidelines for observational original research studies, STARD guidelines for studies on diagnostic accuracy, PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews, MOOSE guidelines for meta analyses of observational studies, ARRIVE guidelines for experimental animal studies and TREND guidelines for non-randomized public behavior.

·Acta Medica Alanya Journal acknowledges to comply with the ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki (http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/index.html ). Therefore, ethics board approval should be obtained and indicated in the Material and Method section in all studies performed on humans. Patients and volunteers included in the study should be informed regarding procedures to be conducted, their approvals should be obtained, and this should be indicated in the article’s Material and Method section. In animal studies, it should be indicated in the article’s Material and Method section that the study was conducted according to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (www.nap.edu/catolog/5140.html ) and the ethics board approval was obtained from the relevant institution. If required, a copy of the ethics board approval may be requested by the editor from the authors.

· The author(s) guarantee(s) that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any other language without the consent of the Association. If the manuscript has been presented at a meeting, this should be stated together with the name of the meeting, date, and the place.

· An approval of ethic committee or an equivalent acceptance letter prepared by the officials of the institution in accordance with general ethics is mandatory for Original Research and even for some of the Case Reports. The concept and suggestions presented in the manuscript are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the opinions of Editor and his/her associates.

· Authorship: All individuals listed as “author” in the submitted manuscript must make an adequate contribution to the study, meet the criteria of authorship, and take responsibility for their part of the manuscript.


Publishing Board of Acta Medica Alanya complies with the criteria of the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) , and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). About plagiarism, we act based on flow charts and workflows determined in COPE.
Ethics committee approval will be requested from the authors for all original research articles submitted.
Submitted manuscript are checked for similarity or plagiarism. with the help of the free plagiarism programs given below URL addresses. 

Acceptable similarity rates: Up to 5% for one-to-one similarity, Maximum 15% for total similarity.

Acta Medica Alanya; It does not charge any fees for article submission, evaluation and publication processes.


This Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.